Tuesday, 31 May 2011

So I'm still a newbie really...

Lunch with a friend of mine who has been running competitively since he was 14 years old, and swimming last night with an amazing lady who has completed the IMUK and multiple other very tough events, has helped to put my training and history into perspective. I grew up walking/hiking and rock scrambling, but did very little sports as a kid due to various musculo-skeletal problems. Apart from a brief attempt at duathlons when I was 17 (fail!) and some concentrated hill walking I've only really been working at my fitness levels in the last three years. And of that I've had chunks of time off as well.

So in terms of building up a regular habit I have a fair way to go, and that's okay because I really have just started!

Just keep swimming...or in my version just keep moving!
My newest inspiring quote from Dory, star of Finding Nemo

Interesting quote from Jeff Galloway (promoter of walk/run training)
"Many beginners stop and start again 10 or 15 times before they get the habit established. Beginners who don't put pressure on themselves seem to have an easier time staying with it."

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